

Kamis, 19 Januari 2012


Friend you had given the spirit in this life
You're always there for me
Together in joy and sorrow
Together with the tears and laughter
Together in thick and thin
Together walked hand in hand
When am with you
The world cheered
You're the one gift I've ever had
O my friend forgiveT
All of it is because my deeds that I may not intentionally
Sorry if I've luka'i your heart
My real fear of losing your
My fear of all that
My fear of losing the love of a friend
My fear of losing this sense of camaraderie
I fear no longer with you
So let me tuk slalu wanted to be with you

:D :D 

makasih ya sahabat ku :D ,, ini utk semua sahabat aku,,,, termasuk sahabat kecil ku RATIH PUSPITA 

sahabat dari awal TK dan smoga bsa mnjdi sahabat ku smpai kpn pun walaupun kita berpisah karna enggak satu smp tpi ku yakin suatu saat nanti kita an bersama sama lagi seprti dulu :)

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